O que leva um povo que não tem problemas pra andar semi-nu por todos os cantos. Que respira sensualidade e sexualidade por poros musicais, televisivos e carnavalescos o tempo inteiro. Que adora e cultua o corpo. O que leva este mesmo povo a achar estranho a peladice na sauna - onde os finlandeses se despem sem cerimônia? Talvez a Camila tenha razão. Talvez o Brasil ainda seja um país católico, por mais que digam que não. Mais católicos do que achamos. Entendam como quiser.
What makes a people that has no problems to be half-naked anywhere. That breathes sensuality and sexuality through musical, televisual and carnavalesco pores all the time. That loves and cults the body. What makes this people to find weird the nakedness in sauna - where Finns take their clothes off naturally? Maybe Camila is right. Maybe Brazil is still a catholic country, no matter how much is claimed otherwise. More catholic than we think. Understand it as you please.
What makes a people that has no problems to be half-naked anywhere. That breathes sensuality and sexuality through musical, televisual and carnavalesco pores all the time. That loves and cults the body. What makes this people to find weird the nakedness in sauna - where Finns take their clothes off naturally? Maybe Camila is right. Maybe Brazil is still a catholic country, no matter how much is claimed otherwise. More catholic than we think. Understand it as you please.