Antigamente, se um camarada saísse por aí brincando de Casanova ficando com várias mulheres ao mesmo tempo ele era no mínimo um salafrário. Hoje, ele seria uma versão real do The Bachelor, que passa aqui na Finlândia - onde o feminismo fez história - como Suomen Unelmien Poikamies. Os porcos chauvinistas devem estar se lambuzando de alegria nos seus chiqueirinhos.
Before, if a guy went playing Casanova making out with lots of girls at the same time he would be considered at least a bastard. Today, he would be a real version of The Bachelor, showing in Finland - where feminism made history - as Suomen Unelmien Poikamies. The chauvinist pigs might be laughing their asses off in the mud of their pigsties.
Before, if a guy went playing Casanova making out with lots of girls at the same time he would be considered at least a bastard. Today, he would be a real version of The Bachelor, showing in Finland - where feminism made history - as Suomen Unelmien Poikamies. The chauvinist pigs might be laughing their asses off in the mud of their pigsties.